Anatoly Yurkin. Letters playfully


    Encyclopedic click (2005)

    Peace is not knowable? The world is not cognizable without the knowledge of the errors. But you can learn encyclopaedia, which will be positioned, anyone argue? - vysokonauchnym model academic knowledge acquired by all mankind. Here we are in the area of understanding, on the borders of which even encyclopedia poznavaema through myth. The myth is the first network. The myth is the first game. The myth is the first code. The myth-predtecha encyclopedic learning. Neither encyclopedia or myth are not close to reality, to reality, to the objective state of affairs than the game. Meaning links can be even more difficult. So universal and beautiful, popular and popular myth has become the greatest computer game genre "strategy."

    Do not "myth-encyclopedia-reality or myth-encyclopedia-game-reality", but rather "myth and encyclopedia-game as the only accessible reality." That is, myth and conditions remain encyclopedia game with errors. She was gambling then, through which we humans opens only accessible reality. The very reality or form its knowledge-albeit controversial filosofy-metodologi.

    Game encyclopedic learning or playing encyclopedia? The paradox that serves polyhistory socialization tool computer game, but an array encyclopedic knowledge is nothing like the abyss of virtual space. An explanation of this paradox, and it requires overcoming deployed talk on the topic "Why do we like wrong in the computer games?"

    Aesthetics computer games svodima not to the laws of virtual space. But, I would like to believe that virtual space is defined aesthetics of gaming laws. The inevitability of useful error-one of the laws, attracting millions of people to the casino software, greshaschim nedodelkami mandatory and unavoidable miscalculation. Computer Games zavlekatelny great and that they can be wrong with impunity.

    Civilization is a virtual space-west European branch of knowledge, strongly tied to a book or other material bearers. At a time when the myth-elementary knowledge of the ancient prehistoric man of the world. Encyclopedic learning is the opposite of the myth, but by no means a victory over myth. For contradiction "entsiklopedizm-mif" withdrawn through AI.

    Encyclopedia-virtual space in the knowledge of the game. Sooner or later, they-and game-encyclopedia should coincide in the commercial product. This was the case or issue luck for the creator of a new information product. Period of the early 1990 different from other temporary sections so that the world of computer games won territory of the former USSR at the speed of a forest fire. As in any other field of human activity in the computer game Sid Meier's Civilization has become a philosophy of history, philosophy action. The philosophy of the game, believe civ- geymery, deals with errors of substance. Learning mistaken. Game cataloging error was so beacon whose light is collected at the interactive Encyclopedists. Man-reader errors and threats. The player in the Sid Meier's Civilization - encyclopedic reader errors and encyclopedic threats.

    Readers are entitled to mistakes encyclopedia errors. To usefully, it is desirable that an encyclopedia of errors at the same time was cheloveka-operatora sacred scriptures. Connecting properties Encyclopedia (mistakes) and the Holy Scriptures (both human operator error), it is possible solely through myth. And not just anything a myth. Not suitable plot borrowed from myth or with the characters drawn from the street. You need a certain myth that corresponds most stringent set of huge options. Samovosproizvodimy myth. The myth of explosive potential. The myth, the human energy pumped up to the concentration of religious fanaticism. Created by secular culture virus encyclopedic learning with the help heal the myth of the game. In all other cases, we commit errors encyclopedic. Errors - encyclopaedic crass ignorance our map. For my version, word art is equal Unit, the unit virtual playground space. Elements encyclopaedic world always hiding inside the traditional myth.

    Myth and was the oldest application for entsiklopedichnosti embodiment. In contrast, the myth present in the encyclopedia, which began to offer a deal strictly structured and virtually all accessible and understandable information system.

    Virtual space-array (system) errors. Errors perception, the choice of errors, mistakes strategies, tactics and errors etc. Neotvratimost mistakes is a leitmotif study journalist borders aesthetics of computer games or any information product for the magnetic storage media. Self-law virtual space. But self is not ideal.

    Need ideally aesthetic foundations of the best computer games, transforming the genre from the inside. That is the point of divergence between humans in virtual space and artificial intelligence (AI-hereinafter), a built-in machine product. In ill-approximation, if the desire to forget sleeping in the virtual space dates back to escapism, the very socialized such computer products, as a masterpiece of the game industry in North America Sid Meier's Civilization.

    With each passing year we are away from the era of early 1990. But do not lose relevance slogan "Back to the Civilopedia!" So what happened in 1991? Why changed to the "before" and "after" setting of 1991? Until 1991, encyclopedic learning was opposed to the myth. Why? Because encyclopedic learning is a wrap-up knowledge of mankind.

    The beauty of the computer game Sid Meier's Civilization (a similar product until interactive directory of publicly accessible interface) is born where encyclopedic learning appears virtual space. It is hard to accept or not, the mechanism of self Civilopedia was our contemporaries. While Civilopedia was conceived and critical ugolokom virtual reality space, but inside it did not find ourselves a player. Why? Because Civilopedia exposed self tool holder goods Sid Meier's Civilization. Mass media and educational games are very promising environment for the functioning of our contemporary self. In this coordinate system Civilopedia is unique.

    What computer game Sid Meier's Civilization was important for the first generation of PC owners? In our version, that the frequent recourse to the Civilopedia indicate a trend, according to the survival of the nation which scientific knowledge has equal rights. Consistency is important scientific discoveries, along with the military conflict and the economy.

    Inside the "God simulator" Encyclopedia responsible for the holistic perception of a complex picture of the world, overburdened production details.

    For the first time in human history, the most important aspect of training was popular games online monitoring of scientific progress. "Scientific progress" has become almost synonymous with victory. The sad fact is that all existing (in 2005), improved versions of games still missing "preliminary options for the built encyclopedia, no gaming envelope settings. Due to the lack of progress in the game players from the coat entskilopedii false ouschuschenie may appear that the program is imposed malopolezny screen assistance.

    Game Civilopedia capacity, the cornerstone in the building of mechanisms for self mass media capacities. The myth is a luxurious palace, which Queen named "Encyclopedia" expelled back to the French Revolution. Palace empty without owner prior to 1991. One computer game returned as an error in the space mythology online encyclopedia.

    Sensational capital (1)

    Throughout 1990 Civilopedia encyclopedic expressed ideals. Vneigrovoe Civilopedia location and the application is a critical milestone phenomenon two centuries. Henceforth proved: computer game can be entsiklopedichnosti tool. Ideal computer-game tutorials. But would the ideal training program computer game? Graphics Civilopedia based on the fact that constitute forms of gambling images, information-rich and located in a strict time-sequence. Encyclopedia was dealing with quotes, hyperlinks and dictionary articles. The computer game is based on the action. But hyperlinks and has a self-sustaining effect! This is only for short-sightedness of editors, we had no sensational publications in 2005, with the key concept of Civilopedia.

    But even as the idea was born to take note Civilopedia the sidelines? Place each computer games at the store appeared in different years (and software on the market "calendar year" tantamount "Age") depends on two sets of factors. Games and information products in general is not uniformly differ in different territories raznoyazychnyh among peoples and social groups. On the one hand, the existence of dominant home computers, televisions and game prefixes, cheap electricity, along with the people who own skills, as a PC or any other remote control. For example, in 1960-s in the Soviet Union issued a desktop radio "Festival" with the control post, which allowed listeners, sitting on a sofa in the two meters away from the sound source and the primary information panels, switching stations, the city and broadcast channels. In a sense, it can be assumed that the owners of radio control unit could constitute an advance detachment of people able to appreciate the audible encyclopaedia on magnetic media. Address to the objective material parameters of the demand for software product suggest that radiohuligany USSR, readers of books on cybernetics, and the owners of home appliances (bobinnye tape recorders "Astra-2", etc.) have been quite willing to accept playing online encyclopedia building.

    On the other hand, subjective and motivational factors popularity product information defined level of education, a system of prohibitions, the existence of communities and basic curiosity buyer. Means of communication can prejudge the degree of merchantability goods. The social structure and value system would deny access to the game, as almost happened in Greece, in 2002. The role of these and other factors divergence product is not always the same. But the success of American Sid Meier works in the post-Soviet space was predetermined that existed in the Soviet Union blagogoveynoe related to the Big Soviet Encyclopedia and, in general, to any helpful guidebook.

    Like every mass merchandise sold in millionnah only legal copies, it was like millions of copies of the eight product with a recognizable brand-name computer program Sid Meier's Civilization contains raid Wednesday its origin. As Marxist would say, take a class origin. Undeniably, born in 1954, in Detroit (USA), the creator of the game Sid Meier belongs to the white race and the middle-class North America, which in 1980 a major impact Reagan had. Hence the exaggerated importance harmful effects of "corruption" in the public strictly "democracy". But the encyclopedia - vertex tsennostno-ratsionalnogo image of human action. Hollywood comes rationally and appreciates the efforts of all his predecessors in all walks of life. Therefore, the Civilopedia there that can be attributed to the so-called "universal values." This intellectual capital geymera.

    By declaring 2005 the year of Friedrich Engels, editor of the newspaper headlines and Prophecy "perechityval" Letters to the "Capital" edition, 1948. Suddenly I thought about the universal formula, which can be described as a series of all computer games in the step-by-step strategy genre Sid Meier's Civilization. Example, "the myth - - encyclopedia-reality game "where" myth "is the human will," encyclopedia "treasure of knowledge," gaming "practices mifologicheski-entsiklopedicheskih to change our perceptions of reality. In this context, and only then, the publication of the long-standing newspaper publications (articles, one of the first reviews in Russian?) "Feel Petrom First!" (1994) players can be considered for the official start of the formation of primitive accumulation "of our intellectual capital."

    While all began in 1993, when the 30-year-old male long nights playing in the first month of "Civilization", but only a year later came the space for analysis, for the intellectual maneuver. To infiltrate the methodological Aizkulises playing. To raise the issue of the "digital morphology Encyclopedia."

    Sosnovoborskaya publication of "Feel Petrom First!" , a text - should accept the application for a new policy document of the movement. Artifact worthy geymerskoy open correspondence. The starting point for the exchange of views between the players, among which is not found and the same two individuals. Why not work? Let the answer to that question sociologists and social.

    The main merit of the logic of threats, or any logic (the whole lot-adjusted yet undiscovered forever lost!) Is to provide information on the issue of redundancy. It always contains a kernel response. Civilopedia inside Sid Meier's Civilization is a heuristic epistemological answer to the question in which has become an internationally renowned brand.

    The possibility of error is rooted in the nature rassudka, in the playing character of human activity. Encyclopedia game was long before the emergence of desktop predecessors Sid Meier's Civilization. Perhaps the Civilopedia was not among revolutions (interactive) encyclopedias. Talking about her place in the game demanded a new apparatus estimates protsessualnosti all things gaming. Errors and threats are crucial moments of any game interesting. Our demand to assume chelovekom-operatorom based on the player's commitment to the logic of threats. For the logic of threats is a new operator logic. Revolutionary awareness gaming indeed encyclopedic learning came when parsing a computer game, built on Civilopedia excessively as a reliable foundation. This is a landmark case. when we use mass received the letter with great answer, which is much informative of all the issues raised earlier.

    Civilopedia is the best simulator Encyclopedia. Therefore, what has heuristic capabilities Civilopedia be assigned to the problem of logic geymerskogo learning world. Tsivilopediyskie images gave advice and hinted at action. Rod cult game helped circumvent all secular trap encyclopedic learning. If anyone had problems with the attitude to the game as a subject of worship, it could well become a cult Civilopedia.

    Player-employee performing work volume translation errors threats.

    The process of computer games based on the subjective rights and relations machine. But on the basis of reading Civilopedia objective image. overburdened background information. Without a theoretical model development and common errors in the perception of gaming would obscure the truth of geymera constructive Civilopedia. Unfortunately, the Civilopedia rodonachalnitsey not become a series of products with a high degree of interactivity of the information environment. Geymery not otrefleksirovali Civilopedia to the new results, to the new requirements. From recognition in the game encyclopedic processes remains to be done to move the perception of gaming as a form of abstract thinking legitimate part Gnoseology operator.

    So let previously asked President portal Newgalaxy (2005) issue arbitrarily narrow, methodologically bring to the phrase: Are computer game sensation? In response to quote the latest publication of newspaper headlines and Prophecy "on the probability of becoming" a fully fledged mass-mediynoy Bible ":

    "Moreover, the strategic players in the computer games may well evolve into a confession, if through (a new and effect achieved through the removal of reading) will see Civilopedia in Sid Meier's Civilization full-fledged digital Bible. since the distant 1991, Civilization can and should consider multi reminiscence requiring encyclopaedic knowledge of the past, present and future of mankind (as a factor of global warming artificial finish). Civilopedia But was not read out the conditions and requirements of the game? The next great computer game reference and the name of its creator justified circumstance requiring separation of the game and reference apparatus. A igrabelen whether background apparatus? Gamer plays in the game. A machine plays in the background ... Hollywood. Reader But who will Civilopedia social status and religion, if for some reason sees in the text more than a manual? " Sid Meier's Civilization (1991), headlines the past years? Not more than a pretext for sgromkih newspaper headlines in 1994,?

    Civilopedia - sensation!

    In my view, the Civilopedia (which could not have been written in the article, which created a template for a single open digital encyclopedia) was born at the light as a form of positivist romantizatsii scientific knowledge. Caught in the irresistible flow of scientific discoveries, a player gets emotional percent from the encyclopaedic capital, which is increasing as we approach the final first-stellar technology of the future. " With all its social pessimism Hollywood romance of Sid Meier-caliber Byron. In compiling a complete list of extremely games developed with the participation of whole smiling man by the name of "Sid Meier, entsiklopedista does not leave feeling that the poem otshlifovyvaesh line. Sid Meier is the first digital poet-entsiklopedist, whose genius Rhymes encrypted algorithm programming. Nabil units comparison with the old chess players. But there can be no such a situation: Tsivilopediya Civilization is in black and white, and to quench distinct pieces materialize combinations of colors?

    Gameplay Sid Meier's Civilization has been previously unseen level igrabelnosti manual, its harmonious vstroennostyu the Game program. In addition to interaction with the game player rare luck, we observe the work arrangements, providing the link as the game with an encyclopedic, and the guidebook with a player. Vnutriigrovaya engineer was based on the simultaneity of the two-game moments and comment through their interpretations Civilopedia. Useful relationship between Sportsbetting encyclopaedias and led special gaming logic Sid Meier's Civlization. The idea itself aesthetics prompted through the process of playing gameplay, the core of which was made interactive functionality encyclopaedic reference apparatus.

    Catharsis achieved by the fact that Civilopedia changed the destiny of a virtual character. Virtual world without encyclopaedic nachinki will always be a digital desert. Over the history of the game industry geymery in 1991, the first time faced with an innovation called "Encyclopedical plot." One of the stories (economic, political, diplomatic, etc.), developing inside Sid Meier's Civilization. It can be seen Civilopedia not feature in the game Civilization system, but also as an interactive game Civilization encyclopaedic form filing material (somewhere, I wrote about it in the year 2002). But what is most interesting: Civilization and the ratio Tsivilopedii still carries with it a certain division has not yet named us sensationalism. Any case in the point of view of these two elements playing process.

    Do you agree with the implication of such? What a setting of the issue together to resolve our issues?

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