Anatoly Yurkin. Logistics sensations

Aryan project for Europe

Aryan project for Europe

Since launch of the Russian Geographical Society in 1845 in the sphere of his special interests is Asia. The continent of mystery and ancient secrets. Bulwark nobody has yet articulated eastern ideas. From this point of view, Russian Geographical end of XIX century no one has ever connected with any secret doctrine. And it's weird. Today, well-known connection Eurasian mountains (Caucasus, Altai, Tibet, etc.) with the secret knowledge of the ancient humanity.
That Russian geographers studied the highest mountain ranges and long planet. Russian officers were entered by hand on the cards Camye deep lakes and rivers of Asia are the most complicated. Is the exploits of our compatriots were moving exclusively mechanistic idea of accumulation of knowledge?
And if a breakthrough in Russian geography was called and was accompanied by a complex search philosophical truth?
The inner core may be intrigue struggle between Russia and Britain for influence in the country's east. The formal reason — acting out "revolutionary card."
Calling the Republican West provoked imperial intellectuals back.
Ranked Among the so-called "St. Petersburg Germans", close to the throne, has long been maturing the idea of artificial cultivation of anti-Western ideology.
Frightened by the events of 1830 and 1848, the Romanov dynasty was ready ready to engage in any form of covert struggle with Europe, America and Britain.
The military defeat of the second half of the 1850s revealed a total failure of Russia. Along with the idea of domestic reforms, it was decided to respond to the ideological challenge of the West. Among the entourage of the new Emperor Alexander II reigned attitude: "Do away with the West once and for all!" After the decline of the revolutionary movement of Europe was under the heel of the secret police in twelve languages. No direct funding Russian agents in the West forced the courtiers to stop the development of the mystical teachings.
The essence of the conspiracy was to mistifikatsionnom reproduction of ancient knowledge.
The idea of creating trompe l'oeil, knowledge traps appeared in St. Petersburg Germans after meeting with official documentation of two different people.
Siberian historian Peter Slovtsov first signs pointed to the existence of an ancient empire, hushed-up of traditional historiography. Slovtsov — a dark figure in Russian science. After serving in the Office of the Procurator-General Slovtsov inspected the school in Siberia. In 1838 the first volume of his amazing stories of Siberia.
Memos Slovcova lain for years without response. In clerical dust them completely lost if not for a fun event.
We give the word tendentious dostoevedu Yu.Seleznevu, sharpens the pamphlet pen Gasfort — the uncrowned ruler of northern Kazakhstan.
Gustav Hristianovich still under Nicholas the First conceived a system of transformations of the steppe region, including the transformation of religion came under his baronial, managing people. Mohammedan governor considered barbarism and Christianity did not like the top of the local nobility, and the fact is one that is not permitted to have as many wives as her husband is able to provide. Then Gustav Hristianovich sat down and wrote to them a "new religion", adapting to the local customs of Judaism. However, Nicholas I put on a new draft resolution on Moses that religion is not de-compose the desk …
Imperial hypothesis Slovcova Petersburg Germans successfully imposed on a bold project Gasfort. An explosive mixture turns a rare composition, which provides a quick start for the St. Petersburg hoax.

Author: Anatoly Yurkin


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